Meditation Helps Us In Controlling Our Mind


It is now universally tried and tested that meditation is the best way to get relief from tensions and acquire a holistic health. In the West people paid more attention to materialistic requirements but in the East they gave more importance to the spiritual and physical aspects of life.

The art of meditation was well-known to our ancestors. In the past, it was a common ritual to meditate and pray, maybe for 10-15 minutes after taking bath and before starting daily routine chores. the dictionary meaning of meditation is ''quietening your mind ''
In recent times, meditation as a way to joy and peace has acquired great popularity in the the West, but it is fading from the East .The fast life, the race after money, and the effect of Western culture are the basic reasons behind it. But spiritual leaders like Mahesh Yogi, with his transcendental meditation, has attracted a large number of Americans.

Most of the religions advocate meditation as a part of daily prayers. Meditation is also considered as a stress relieving exercise. It is a simple mental inactivity where you cut off the mind from external noises, sound and other stimuli. in most of the meditation exercises, some words are given to recite again and again, When you sit alone and try to focus your mind, it is difficult. Your mind seems to wander. Once you go on producing a particular word repeatedly, your brain cells remain active in one direction.

In your day-to-day life, your mind is thinking about several insignificant things at the same time. They make you restless. with regular meditation, these unnecessary thoughts would settle down. It will help you to concentrate on a particular problem, maintain balance, feel relaxed and control your negative emotions.

                                                                                 - Sonia chhikara


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