Fighting Headache T here are several reasons for headache. Physical, mental and emotional factors, anxiety and tension are very few. Sometimes, headache can be a signal of an underlying disease. More than medicines, yoga therapy eminently suits any need. Yoga is a comprehensive mode of culturing the body and mind. Using an 'Integrated Approach Of Yoga' , the Yoga Research Centers have been able to cure some tough headaches. The integrated approach includes breathing, asanas, pranayama, mediation and devotional sessions. Y oga asanas, especially, the one imitating the natural posture of animals have a tremendous tranquillising effect without having to depend on common drugs. Pranayama inhibits, random agitations in pranic (energy). Pranayama stablises the autonomic nervous system. Dhyana and samadhi relaxes the mind. This approach alters the reaction of an individual to headache. By interrupting the vicious circle of pain, anxiety-pain....
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