Scourge of illiteracy in india



Literacy is a very important quality  of a population. obviously, only an informed and educated citizen can make intalligent choices and undertake research and development projects. Low levels of lietacy are a serious obstacle for econimic improvement. Illiterary, on the other hand, has been a serious problem in India. It has been a major hurdle in the country's economic development. India has the highest number of illiterates in the world. It is a stigma and blot on the fair name of our country.
According to the Census of 2001, a person aged 7 years, and above who can read and write with understand in any language, is treated as literate. UNESCO defines a literate person as 'one who can with understanding, both read and write a short simple statement on his every day life.'Thus, those who can read but cannot write do not fall under the category of a literate person.

There has been a steady improvement in the literacy levels in india. The literacy rate in india in 1951 was a mere 16.7% which rose to 52.11% in 1991. The literacy rate in the country as per the Census of 2001 is 64.84 per cent; 75.26 per cent for males and 53.67 per cent for females. The literacy rate in urben areas is greater then that in the rural areas.

Kerala has the highest rate of literacy (90.92%), folllowed by Mizoram (88.49%), Goa (82.32%), Maharashtra (77.27%), and Himachal Pradesh (77.13%). Bihar, on the other hand, has the lowest literacy rate followed by Rajasthan, Arunachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh. On the international front, the rate of illiteracy in 1986 in the Soviet Union (present day Russia) was 0%, in US it was 1%, Italy 3% and China 31%.

The major causes of the serious problem of illiteracy in india are high rate of growth in population, poverty, unemployment, large size of families, high rate of drop out, the tendency of lower classes to send their children to earn for the family instead of sending them to school. Besides, some communities do not send their girl child to schools.
Right to education was made a fundamental right by the Constitutional ( Eighth-sixth ) Amendment-2002. Under this Act the State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of 6 to 14 years. But still we have to go a long way in achieving cent per cent literacy in India.




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